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Archive for the See Through Category




I am – Shauna Sand Dressed Classy of the Day


I caught my wife cleaning the toilet with my toothbrush the other day, she’s creative like that and probably saw it on some soap opera or shit she watches on tv all day. I was actually really happy to see her cleaning for the first time in the last 5 years together. But then I realized that Paypal has all my money and I can’t buy a new one. I am not sure what I did to piss her off, it may have been coming home with a pair of panties from a girl I convinced to take off her panties in the club and bragging to my wife about how amazing of an experience it was by making her smell them to see that they weren’t clean, but none of that matters. What does matter is that my mouth tastes like I’ve been eating shit and yes, I know what shit tastes like, it’s a long story that I don’t want to relive.

Speakin’ of shit here are some pictures of Shauna Sand at some event dressed as classy as this whore can get with a Chanel bracelet on. She’s the kind of girl you could probably convince to let you shit on them because it would be taking your sex life to the next level, when in reality you just hate her for being such a whore and shitting on her is the only way to make yourself feel better about things.

Either way, the good news is that washed up ex-Playmates may be the only people dressed like this on the daily, but it’s Halloween, so get ready for everyday girls to be doin’ the Shauna Sand, even though they’ve probably never heard of her. All the madness starts in a few hours.

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I am – Some Old Named Francesca Dellera Showing Off Her Old Tits of the Day

This woman tried to sue me for defamation, even though my site is satirical and I mock everyone…

I know the no names are most likely the ones to sue…It happened with Victoria Silvstedt…it happened with so many others before her…it’s just not high profile enough for me to bother fighting it……and by not high profile enough – I mean – who the hell is she? I’m probably the only person who has ever posted on her…and she found me by googling herself….she should be paying me for this exposure….Idiots.

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Posted in:Francesca Dellera|Nipples|old|See Through|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Elle Macpherson’s See Through Top of the Day


I hate girls with short stubby legs and I don’t know why. I never really had standards in my life and I was never a leg man in but every time I go out and see these long torso bitches with these thick short legs they instantly turn into dudes so that I don’t even notice them anymore. It even happens when they are ridiculously hot, I just can’t stomach the thought of them aging into this fat short legged dumpy ass bitches. I guess it’s because long thin legs, usually leads to a nice tight ass, and a nice tight ass leads to a nice tight vagina and a nice tight vagina leads to a nice stomach and at that point tits just don’t matter. It’s all built from the ground up.

Elle Macpherson may be older and not as hot as she was in the 80s, but if you were the dude who was banging her in the 80s and you knew she’d end up looking like this 20 years later, you probably wouldn’t have let her dump you ass for someone with more money, you probably would have kidnapped her and kept her in a cage so that she never ran away, but you’re weird because just knowing I slammed Elle Macpherson in her prime would lead me to a life of only fucking hotter girls than her, she set the bar and the good thing being is a guy is that there is always someone younger and fresher and stupid enough to sit on your dick and by your dick I mean someone with enough game to land Elle Macpherson not someone who lives in a basement apartment and works at a post office by day and a professional RPG player by night….if you know what I mean, which you probably do….all too well.

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Posted in:Elle Macpherson|See Through|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Elle Macpherson's See Through Top of the Day


I hate girls with short stubby legs and I don’t know why. I never really had standards in my life and I was never a leg man in but every time I go out and see these long torso bitches with these thick short legs they instantly turn into dudes so that I don’t even notice them anymore. It even happens when they are ridiculously hot, I just can’t stomach the thought of them aging into this fat short legged dumpy ass bitches. I guess it’s because long thin legs, usually leads to a nice tight ass, and a nice tight ass leads to a nice tight vagina and a nice tight vagina leads to a nice stomach and at that point tits just don’t matter. It’s all built from the ground up.

Elle Macpherson may be older and not as hot as she was in the 80s, but if you were the dude who was banging her in the 80s and you knew she’d end up looking like this 20 years later, you probably wouldn’t have let her dump you ass for someone with more money, you probably would have kidnapped her and kept her in a cage so that she never ran away, but you’re weird because just knowing I slammed Elle Macpherson in her prime would lead me to a life of only fucking hotter girls than her, she set the bar and the good thing being is a guy is that there is always someone younger and fresher and stupid enough to sit on your dick and by your dick I mean someone with enough game to land Elle Macpherson not someone who lives in a basement apartment and works at a post office by day and a professional RPG player by night….if you know what I mean, which you probably do….all too well.

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Elle Macpherson Surfing in a Bikini
Elle Macpherson Acting a Fool

Posted in:Elle Macpherson|See Through|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Uma Thurman See Through Dress Picture of the Day


So Uma Thurman was at some fashion event and decided to show up in some see through dress and you’re not complaining because it’s been a while since you’ve seen a nipple in the flesh, and this is almost the next best thing, but not really because you are still sitting at home alone in front of your computer, crying on the inside.

I am just teasing man, I don’t want you to kill yourself, but I do know a few people who should probably kill themselves and one of them was this dude I saw the other day having a fucking fit because a dude let his dog piss on his grass. The guy came out of his house screaming and started throwing fists at the dude with the dog and I just stood about 10 feet away watching and laughing because I like watching problems unfold before me, like I am watching TV, even though it was real life. I also went to a bar the other day and wanted to know how much the tequila was, and the bitch just looked at me like I wasn’t even in the fucking place so I moved in on her and asked her if she could speak or if she was just a mute bitch because I could tell she was stupid but didn’t realize she was that stupid, she wasn’t impressed so I moved onto 2 fat chicks who were dancing and asked if they were professionally trained, because that’s my pick up line, feel free to use it. They were doing the running man and had about as much rhythm as my dick coming in and out of erection, which isn’t very much. Either way, they tried to snob me out so I decided to introduce every fucking dude who walked into the place to them like they were famous until they got their boyfriends and friends to come after me and get physical, but not Olivia Newton John physical, I’m talking trying to rough me up….

Either way, here’s Uma Thurman’s tits in a dress that is fashionable to me because it’s see through and I am still waiting for all clothes to be see through. I know you like her because she was Kill Bill and that shit’s as close as movies get to being a comic book and you relate well to comic books.

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Uma Thurman’s Big Tits in Some See Thru Hybrid Bathing Suit
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Uma Thurman’s Big Tits in a Bathing Suit
Uma Thurman Getting Wet

Posted in:Nipples|See Through|Tits|Uma Thurman|Unsorted




I am – Victoria Beckham’s Posh and Spicy Sheer Top of the Day


I am slow fucking moving today, I am not sure why but I’ll blame it on the rain because it worked for Milli Vanilli until everyone realized that they should have actually blamed it on having no talent, that way there would have been so many less repercussions when the world found out that it wasn’t them singing their songs and they were just Britney Spearsing the shit. But I guess that doesn’t matter, what does matter is that Spice Girl Victoria Posh Spice is wearing a semi-sheer top and you can kinda make out her nipples if you look hard enough. This shit is like a magic eye poster that I could never get to work for me, no matter how long or cross-eyed I stared at the shit for maybe it’s more like getting off to scrambled porn because blue distorted women on the screen getting fucked is better than no women on the screen not getting fucked if you know what I mean, which you do because you lost your virginity to yourself watching scrambled porn in the 90s.

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Victoria Beckham in a Sheer Shirt
Victoria Beckham’s Got Nipples

Posted in:Nipples|Posh Spice|See Through|Sheer Shirt|Unsorted|Victoria Beckham




I am – Victoria Beckham's Posh and Spicy Sheer Top of the Day


I am slow fucking moving today, I am not sure why but I’ll blame it on the rain because it worked for Milli Vanilli until everyone realized that they should have actually blamed it on having no talent, that way there would have been so many less repercussions when the world found out that it wasn’t them singing their songs and they were just Britney Spearsing the shit. But I guess that doesn’t matter, what does matter is that Spice Girl Victoria Posh Spice is wearing a semi-sheer top and you can kinda make out her nipples if you look hard enough. This shit is like a magic eye poster that I could never get to work for me, no matter how long or cross-eyed I stared at the shit for maybe it’s more like getting off to scrambled porn because blue distorted women on the screen getting fucked is better than no women on the screen not getting fucked if you know what I mean, which you do because you lost your virginity to yourself watching scrambled porn in the 90s.

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David Beckham Feels Up Posh Spice
Victoria Beckham’s Nipples are Hard
Victoria Beckham in a Sheer Shirt
Victoria Beckham’s Got Nipples

Posted in:Nipples|Posh Spice|See Through|Sheer Shirt|Unsorted|Victoria Beckham




I am – Tara Reid See-Through Shirt of the Day


Since it’s Sunday and I am supposed to be in the gutter somewhere, I decided to let Julien the resident gay blogger hit up the site with a post, because otherwise I wouldn’t bother. I pretty much hate the computer and just walked down the street seeing black spots because of it, or at least I say it’s because of it, but it is probably AIDS, Liver Failure, Syphilis or any other exciting debilitating disease fat ouytof shape unhealthy drunken chain smokers get.

Speaking of AIDS, here’s Julien’s post, since it is the Gay disease after all.

I think the last thing that this site needs is photos of Tara Reid looking like a drunken whore, but here are some photos of Tera in London wearing a see-through kimono type-thingy. She looks like she is in a burlesque production of Madame Butterfly or some shit.

Anyway, you can almost see her busted tits, so I figured that the three prepubescent boys who read this site will be all over it. I love how she tries to class things up a little, you know going out and getting shit-faced in London instead of LA. What the hell is she even doing outside of California. It’s not like she’s filming the new Indiana Jones movie or something…it’s not likely that she’ll ever film a new movie.

It’s good to see ol’ Puff-face out and about again, you know with Lindsay in rehab, Brit all concerned with her kids and Paris apparently acting like a saint, I was afraid that the older generation of party whores would have to step down and make way for Hayden and company. But it’s nice to see Tara being the drunken workhorse that she is. She’s like a Ford truck, an American institution.


If I hated gay people as much as I pretend to, I’d never let one write for me, so all you gay activists reading don’t send me hate mail about AIDS being a gay disease. It’s a proven fact that it is. I am just in shock that Julien didn’t talk about the fag that Tara is getting fucked up with. I guess it really doesn’t matter….Here are the pics.

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Tara Reid in a Bikini Pictures
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Posted in:Drunk|See Through|Tara Reid|Unsorted




I am – Cheryl Tweedy In a See Through Shirt of the Day


I like to give back to the people every once in a while and this is one of those times. Cheryl Tweedy needs all the exposure she can get because she’s pretty much a nobody who was once in a Spice GIrls revival band called Girls Aloud. It was such a revolution and amazing play on words that it reminds me of the time I accidentally walking into a french Metallica revival band called Mentallica. I didn’t read the sign properly because I don’t really know how to read very well and I figured getting to see Metallica on a small stage for 2 dollars was a good deal, even though I hate the band. When I got in I realized I was wrong but rocked out to broken the songs in broken english with a bunch of french dudes.

Either way, I am giving back to her by giving her exposure and acknowledging that she’s into exposing her body by wearing a see-through shirt and showing off some really big looking bra that I am not too sure she actually fills, but it looks like she’s stacked enough for a homosexual footballer who used to shower with Beckham to enjoy….

Here are those pics

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Posted in:Bra|Cheryl Tweedy|Girls Aloud|See Through|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Christina Aguilera's See Through Pregnancy Nipples Dress of the Day

Image Removed due to Papparazzi

So we all know that Christina Aguilera is pregnant and we all know that her husband isn’t the best looking dude in the world, because he kinda reminds us of the kid who had no friends growing up. The funny thing about the kid with no friends growing up was just a little socially awkward and funny looking, but all that alone time and rejection lead him to learn some kind of skill, That skill was making enough money doing whatever the fuck he does to get in circles where girls like Christina Aguilera hangs out for long enough to pull his dick out and blow her away with what’s gotta be some kind of heavy machinery, because this slut looks like a size queen….so here he is knocking some popstar up when every girl who ever turned him down or laughed at him is sitting in her shitty home in the shitty town they are from looking at her shitty husband who was the highschool hero but now can barely make enough money to pay for their shitty car, listening to Augilera songs while cooking their shitty dinner with food they bought with coupons, knowing the whole time that life coulda been a lot better for her, had she not been such a superficial fucking cunt. I guess karma is a bitch.

Unfortunately, you’re the socially awkward kid everyone avoided because you smell and you have no skills that will ever take you to places popstars hang out and if you were there you wouldn’t be able to impress her with your huge penis you’d just probably make her laugh or run away, something you’re used to by now…but thanks to these pictures you don’t need to get into any celebrity high profile circle to make out this bitches tits she’s doing all the work for us….in a few months these fuckers are going to have a baby dominating them, so enjoy it while they last….

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Posted in:Breasts|Christina Aguilera|cleavage|Nipple|Pregnant|See Through|Tits|Unsorted