Most of us have seen bitch naked when her ex boyfriend leaked nude pictures of her from when she was younger and more eager, before the whole Sex and the City bullshit changed her life and defined her as someone who made it.
Some of us got sued for posting the pictures, because the bith has a team of people who wanted to make those early eager years of her life disappear as fast as they could….I was one of those people who almost got sued, but figured I’d take them down, because seriously, they weren’t that great…if anything they were disgusting, because her pussy lips were big and black like some kind of rotting corpse pussy that got abused it’s way to the top.
I don’t know who she’s kidding by wearing a bar to cover up her sloppy little tits, but I do know that I’m happy it’s not see through pants, because seriously, her vagina, even at a young age, was the kind that makes you question if you’re straight or not, because you have no interest in sticking anything in that mess….
I hate Sex and the City and everyone who buys into the bullshit they stand for. I hate all the Sex and the City career women who follow the fucking lead of this shit show….mainly becuase Sex and the City was written by a gay guy and I prefer women in traditional gender roles and not so much living the gam man lifestyle…
Either way, here she is in a bra…

Pics via PacificCoastNews
Posted in:Bra|Kristen Davis|See Through