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Archive for the Kelsea Ballerini Category




Nothing Says Country Like Kelsea Ballerini with no Pants On of the Day

I’ve been listening to country music for the majority of my life at this point. There was a time when I would hate on the NPC hive mind retard brains who would say “anything but country” when asked what kind of music they listened to, because even through the worst eras of country music there’s been some real bangers and I don’t even mean obscure acts, or diving deep into the history of country music, I’m talking bangers from the mainstream country stars from Chet Atkins to Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Kenny Rodgers, Dolly Parton, Randy Travis, Kenny Chesney…too many names to count….so when you get the “anything but country” you know you’re dealing with a full retard….

But since country music is trendy now, you probably won’t get that answer, instead you’ll get a girl in Daisy Dukes, halter top, cowboy boot and hats flashing her tits after a good mudding at the county fair.

Kelsea Ballerini is arguably the hottest girl in Country music right now, unless you’re still jerking off to Wynona Judd’s fat ass, or Dolly’s tits, or maybe the corpse of Loretta Lynn…..

But like all country girls, she’s trying to separate herself from country and instead of bringing some farmer’s daughter, outdoorsman, riding a fucking horse, or wearing a Patsy Cline looking outfit made by that dude who made all the shirts for the rhinestone cowboy country starts….and that’s unfortunate.

Instead they have her dressed like a ballerina cuz her name is ballerini, not doing country white girl fetishists right, instead being too cosmopolitan…probably living in New York city and fucking non-country dudes…on some kind of rumspringer.

She is seemingly less fat than she’s been, so that’s good and she has her pants off, so no need to hate on the hottest girl in Country Music as she attempts to Taylor Swift herself….but there’s something far more interesting if she committed to country…since a lot of people like that kind of thing….

Posted in:Kelsea Ballerini




Kelsea Ballerini’s Bikini of the Day

Kelsea Ballerini posted this bikini pic over a week ago in her photo dump of all the exciting things she’s up to…..I am slow on the fucking draw over here.

She is one of the hotter country music singers around. She’s in her 30s, recently divorced and has pretty much gone very Hollywood, but she is from Knoxville and her music still sounds country enough, especially for all the new country music fans finally realizing that country music is real so of course she’s profiting on the surge…while being one of the hottest names in country music.

I am not sitting here like some old time country snob mad that country is finally popular in the mainstream because there’s always been popular country music in the mainstream and some of it has fucking sucked, it’s just astronomically popular now as it should be because all those EDM kids are tired of fake videogame music and are looking for something with some soul, or meaning.

I am sitting here mad that as someone who was into country music, I didn’t devote my life to it anticipating that we’d be at this country music crossroad where Beyonce is appropriating it and no one is mad at her about it….

DrunkenStepfather needs more HeeHaw so we’ll start by staring at some Ballerini bikiini smut, which is the equivalent to a sex tape to some of these country Christians…

She was also at some fashion event in some black semi-sheer dress – you can see the pics on the forum CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kelsea Ballerini




Kelsea Ballerini May Not Be Wearing Panties of the Day

I listen to and have pretty much always listened to country music. It’s got soul and I’m happy to see the empty generation of perverts finding some sort of connection with it, because in a world being taken over by the AI, it’s nice to see some people trying to connect to something that is seemingly real.

I watch the Grand Ol’ Opry on a regular basis, I get the Nashville channel free to air on the ghetto ass TV I found in the trash a few years ago and it’s pretty much the only thing interesting in my life….

So I know who Kelsea is, I’ve seen her in action and I’ve stared at her tits while she performs….

She’s a little too mainstream for me to not think she’s part of the Satanic agenda, but at the same time, you can’t avoid any of that at least not at the celebrity selling your soul level, maybe if you’re only into obscure hobos busking outside the bars…and even then they’ve got their own demons…

She’s doing some TIME 100 bullshit, probably part of the whole Satanic Agenda, Selling her Soul to manipulate the minds of a generation now into Country Music, and the whole thing is only interesting to me, since she’s potentially not wearing panties, precisely what you’d want from a Country girl, all wholesome looking, like she goes to Chuch and bakes cookies with her granny every weekend when she’s not working on her horses in the stables, but Ballerini’s a bit of whore, so her no panties aren’t under a pair of Little House on the Prairie inspired TRAD WIFE clothing, but rather some stripper gear you’d expect for the slow dance.

All this to say, I love country music and the vaginas that sing it….


Posted in:Kelsea Ballerini




Kelsea Ballerini Bikini of the Day

This is a pretty welcomed gift to us country music lovers out here…..

Because you probably didn’t watch the Grand Ole Opry this past weekend, because you’re still confused as to whether country music is good or not, after decades of it being shit on by people who say “anything but country” when asked what music they like…a canned response that never made sense to me since country is from the heart storytelling, real music from the soul for the soul, which in an era of videogame music and half retards trying to be famous, doesn’t really hit the mark on what I want out of music…

If you did watch the Opry, you would have seen Knoxville’s own starlet Kelsea Ballerini, who is a pretty fucking solid and hot country singer, drop some of her hits, and a future hit, in a pair of awkwardly high waisted pink bell bottom pants that made her ass look square or weird, but that I still watched dance around the stage with her story telling….wondering “what would that look like naked”.

I even googled Kelsea Ballerini nude, came up with nothing, obviously, these are level headed, family oriented, god loving people…..

From her performance, I gathered that she in studio all of last week recording her next album of hits while trying to determine whether she had decent sized tits or not…

I guess with ending the recording comes beach vacation to unwind and girl got to show off her country body, all fit and toned, maybe from riding horses like you want her to ride you, maybe from working the farm, or maybe from being rich and famous and needing a hot body to maintain that performer life….prayers were answered, I should as for more than “I hope Kelsea Ballerini posts bikini pics next week for me to compare and contrast what I think she looks like in a bikini with what she actually looks like”….

Anyway, long legs with that solid waist to hip ratio looks goo, th tits, still questionable abut hot enough for me, all while she drinks her wine, I mean she is a rich as shit white girl from the middle of the country what do you fucking expect out of her, besides some basic behavior of wine.

The point of the story is where’s the sex tape at? Or is she too famous for one already….I mean she is married, so self produced porn between a married couple for the internet is hardly a bad idea, maybe even a thrilling idea….even if she doesn’t NEED to do it for her career, she’s happy with what she has, so maybe do it for the fans…I’m ready to watch..


Posted in:Kelsea Ballerini




Kelsea Ballerini in s Swimsuit of the Day

Kelsea Ballerini is some 27 year old country singer from Knoxville, not Johnny….but actual Knoxville….her mother worked in marketing BIBLES which is hilarious…because the wholesome country girl with the morals and values of the church…something that America is losing, even as someone who isn’t religious and doesn’t believe in religious, I am smart enough to know that the general population needs the church and community to keep on the straight and narrow path to salvation….otherwise society, social media, the vapidness and perversion of the generation will eat a motherfucker up and turn them into some slutty selfie taking harlot looking for likes and follows that she can monetize….you know good wholesome Christian values of rook em in and sell them on your tits…

Clearly, religion or not, Kelsea and her bible marketing mom’s upbringing realizes what is important, much more important than being modest…and that is GET THE LIKES YOU CAN….STRIP DOWN TO THE SWIMSUIT….SHOW THEM WHAT OUR GOOD LORD GAVE YOU….because posting your ass on the gram isn’t seen as slutty, but rather art…even if it’s shameless….HOWEVER…we all know that we can turn this into porn by jerking off to it…so let’s make a pornstar out of this girl working it for relevance…the way GOD has told her works best…or at least what her IG insights have told her do best…SHOW MORE SKIN…and don’t shame her for not being a good CHRISTIAN…because I can’t think of a better way to use her Christianity….if not an ass pic, than what?!

Posted in:Kelsea Ballerini




Halsey and Kelsey Ballerini Reverse Cowgirl of the Day

I was just asking myself, since I am my only friend, where the kid for the BOMFUNK MCs – Freestylers video at now…

I think he may have grown up to be Halsey….

The mooch fuck who is getting in on country, even though you know she’s more about cunt trees, the roots just grow out of her vagina and she can’t figure out what the strain of HPV is or where she got it…was it that night she fucked a dirty beer bottle for a DJ before she was famous, or was it from fucking the dirty DJ….we’ll never fucking know….

What we do know, or what I’ve decided I know, so it’s true to me…Halsey was a bar star in the era of these EDM DJs being “rockstars” something that I’ve always found dumb…but they’d roll through town making their 10k-100k per show and have groupie 18 year old mainstream girls waiting on the sidelines to suck their dicks…I remember DJ AM (who hated me) DJ for rooms of 100 people who didn’t know who he was…to doing these massive college parties that were sold out…and that was EARLY in the DJ trend…so I’ve met 100 Halseys trying to get backstage to show their “singing skills”….

Anyway…she’s a mooch fuck, with a mooch storyline about being homeless and finding celebrity…a hero story…then she’s been seen doing drugs in Miami and none of her sponsors dropped her…because look how far she’s come….then she started mooching off her black heritage bitching at hotel shampoo not being black shampoo…activism….for people who didn’t know she had a black dad…it was confusing activism…and now she’s on the country trend…because it’s an opportunity to be a slut doing her best PIPER PERABO COYOTE UGLY…or maybe it’s an opportunity to get into country…music you know 5 years ago she’d piss on for attention….but now she’s into it…get the fuck out of here with your trash…


Posted in:Halsey|Kelsea Ballerini




Kelsea Ballerini Short Shorts of the Day

Kelsea Ballerini Short Shorts 2

I hate the way she spells her name. Kelsea….like KEL SEA…like Sea…like Ocean…you know Kelsea…her fucking hippie surf parents can suck a dick with their bullshit names that are more stripper or sex worker since they are a made up fucking name.

I don’t know why I am mad at her name…I should be mad that at her level of fame, which is low level of fame, I have no idea who this bitch is….she should be out here demonstrating how many things she can fit in her vagina…you know the CONTENT that fucking matters in these dark times.

Instead…we gat weird ballet poses…we get it KEL SEA LIKE THE OCEAN…your last name is practically BALLERINA…and you like to pretend to be a Ballerina…by not stripping at the local strip club like most ballerina’s end up doing…because she’s a Knoxville raised Country Star who luckily had a dad who worked at the radio stations so she could avoid a PAYOLA scandal while manipulating her fame.

I don’t know why I am mad at her….probably cuz of her dumb fucking name.

Kelsea Ballerini Bikini


Posted in:Kelsea Ballerini