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Archive for the Julianne Hough Category




Julianne Hough Harrasses Whales of the Day

Julianne Hough is somewhere where rich people vacation, since they’ve been overpaid and their entire existence is a fucking vacation now that they can ride their TV earnings for the rest of their lives.

While being somewhere rich people vacation, she’s managed to go out for a paddle board session, as retirees do…and she harassed a whale, that would have been amazing if it Moby Dicked her harder than Ryan Seacrest Dicked her, but instead just swam past her….

I’d like some sort of conservation group or VEGANS to go mental on her, because it’s alway’s fun when a MORMON GONE WILD gets cancelled for being a heathen or in this case an asshole to nature she’s raping harder than Ryan Seacrest raped her….romantically…and he probably didn’t call it rape…but it’d be funny if one day she found god, broke her NDA and cried rape in retrospect against America’s favorite host…..

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough and her Skinny Friend being Skinny in the Sauna of the Day

Whether Julianne Hough is dying from some sort of cancer, or just starving herself, or maybe this is what fitness looks like…or not…

Skinny is really what women should look like….and strive for,

They keep saying we are entering the Golden Era, whether that’s true or not, who knows, it seems like there are still too many women out there crying about women empowerment and supporting each other in these dark times for me to fully believe that they’ll lighten up and go back to knowing their role or their place in society based on their looks and sex appeal, the way our species has been wired forever….

But skinny Julianne Hough and her skinny friend telling the fatties out there to fuck off and that skinny is still possible in a world of fat fucks that clearly want you fat….brings hope…

Maybe her ditching the church for Satanist Hollywood was all a ploy to actually get into a place of influence, where her influence outside of silly and obnoxious dance that is pretty embarrassing…and becoming chick comedy memes that are painful, cringe-filled and horrible…check it out:

Is that SHE can be skinny and worth jerking off to…

Here they are in their lesbian-erotic-skinny-half-naked-sauna-porn…

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough is a Slutty Dancing Monkey of the Day

Here’s Julianne Hough giving me that second-hand embarrassment feeling, since dance is fucking gay…..

This bitch turned her back on God and the Mormon church so that she could do this mindless dance bullshit like some kind of flesh puppet to the mainstream dance industry….

I guess they pay her lots of fucking money for something that was better suited for a strip club stage, or at the very least on the street corner in a clown costume busking for change….

One could argue that all the money in the world can still leave a whore empty no matter how much she gets filled…

A seemingly enchanted life can actually be a miserable life alone and childless…

The non-believer could actually get her an eternal life of damnation, for the short-sighted trade-off of being Ryan Seacrest’s fleshlight….and the mainstream media’s dance puppet…

Now…watch her dance…..

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Get Ready with Julianne Hough the Mormon Gone Wild of the Day

The worn out, lacing elasticity, growing fungus because of how dirty it is fleshlight that belonged to Ryan Seacrest when she decided to break up with her brother and level-up her career with Dick Clark’s reincarnate’s cocaine and anal sex addiction……known as Julianne Hough is a product of sexual assault that made the girl horny and not into a genderless, asexual lesbian man hater….

She’s the kind of victim of abuse you’d want in a woman because she likes to fuck her trauma away, rather than be a boring victim about it.

Sure, the fact she walked away from the church and bought into the satanic industry that’s given her a life is a sad story for her soul, but at least she’s having fun, getting her fuck on, being a whore and offering us something old, dried up, age out, to jerk off to….

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough Defends Being Skinny in a Fat World of the Day

Mormon Gone Wild who is probably best known for letting Ryan Seacrest do coke off her asshole before fucking it, at least that’s the story I heard….who you may be thinking “no, she’s actually best known for being the dancing with the stars chick who fucks her brother, or at least simulates fucking her brother through her retarded dance”….has been getting some hate for being skinny.

You see, we live in a world where turning your back on your religion to be a whore in Hollywood who dances for the rich and famous demons is celebrated and jerked off to….but the second the bitch, who has always been skinny, gets too skinny for the fat fucks of instagram….we’ve got a problem.

Yesterday, we had video of her simulating sexual acts in the Sauna with her Retard Sauna hat….all while promoting a book about how she was molested, the modern 50 Shades of Grey to a demonic child molesting industry.

Today, we have her saying “I’m healthy, this is what healthy looks like you fat fuck, thanks for your concern DIABETES MOM, but I’m over here being a WINE DOG MOM who has nothing better to do than stay fit as she ages out of her prime”….

STOP THE SKINNY BITCH HATE…..you fat fucks….

STOP TRYING TO MAKE SKINNY BITCHES FAT….because you are fat and miserable and want everyone fat and miserable because skinny reminds you that you are fat and miserable and that upsets you.

I support skinny women, in fact, that’s the only thing this dancing idiot has going for her….

Here she is dancing a fool with her dog…

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough Humping the Air in a Bikini of the Day

Julianne Hough is in the sauna humping the air in her bikini….because that’s what you do when you’re a victim of sexual abuse and you over sexualize yourself and that pussy of yours just never stops tingling in your mind…forcing you to masturbate everywhere you go, especially when stripped down in the sauna for a health and wellness treatment to get that last 4 pounds of fat off her emaciated body…

I understand that celebrity is dead, but that’s created this new breed of hybrid celebrity who does whatever they can to compete for the views on social media, since social media is life.

She’s up against the OnlyFans chicks and the jerk off material and even when she ages herself out, she can keep on fucking trying….

This is what happens when you leave the church, become a heathen atheist, sell your soul to the demons and perpetuate clickbait and sensationalized content to keep people jerking off, distracted and mindless….

The production of this kind of jerk off material, if you’re into jerking off the zombies like Hough who must be in her 40s, is just to destroy men…make them feel like shit about themselves, get them to deplete their stores so that they don’t go out there and hunt the pussy, to create a family and to create that family that will give you fulfillment…

Just sit in your dark room drooling over trash like this that isn’t trying to elevate you or improve your life, consciousness, or anything….just creating that distraction…

So people like this Mormon, Dance Reality Star, sister to another Dance Reality Star, asshole used as a vagina for Ryan Seacrest on one of his rumored coke binge still have a purpose through retard dancing…and creating smut…to keep you down.

The real fetish in this is her retard sauna hat.

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough’s White Bikini of the Day

Mormon gone wild…

If you need evidence that the Hollywood machine is a demonic and satanic force filled with soulless self involved meat puppets designed to manipulate your simple minds and keep you connected to a screen so that you do not connect with other people, go out in nature, experience life for yourself because you are too busy caught up worshipping idiots…..

You can just look at Julianne Hough and her dancing hypnotism, half naked with her ripped dance body….

She was once a Mormon, a follower of her lord and savior and now she produces low level jerk off material while being a survivor of a failed marriage and an aggressive wine drinker….

I don’t know why she’s got her dog licking her, but these single perverted women with worms in their brains are a sickness.



Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough Dancing Like a Retard While Snapping her Crotch of the Day

Mormon Gone Wild Julianne Hough consistently dances and it’s pretty annoying to watch because dancing is retarded and what simple minded retards do or respond to.

In her defence, Ryan Seacrest’s Anal Queen has dance to thank from everything from her first fuck when she was a molested mormon dancer, to her incestuous affair with her brother, to making it in America by getting cast on a retarded dance TV show, because retards can’t get enough fucking dance they need it streaming 24/7…..so much so that the Chinese Government penetrated your minds with an addictive app based on dance…

So dancing is just what she does….and dancing to promote her book is the only thing that makes sense for her simplistic approach to marketing.

That being said….she’ll always be Ryan Seacrest’s anal anal anal queen to me..anmaa.

Keep dancing to stripper simulating sex….to MAKE DANCE GREAT AGAIN!

She posted another getting dressed video, where she’s in her underwear, with toe, a sheer enough looking shirt….that she struggles to snap in her pussy, requiring 3 friends to help, because her pussy is just that sturdy, so sturdy Seacrest wet for the ass…

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough has Nipples of the Day

Julianne Hough is a reminder that retards in America, which happens to be the majority of the population, really like watching people dance….

It’s weird to me because dancing is pretty humiliating and watching people taking it seriously is seriously disturbing.

The Chinese have been able to create a spyware app that has penetrated the USA as an evil tracking weapon….all through the power of retards dancing for retards.

Occasionally, I’ll embrace a hot chick dancing because I can imagine that is how she fucks, but also that she’s so desperate to dance, there’s a chance I’ll actually get to fuck her.

It’s like strippers dancing don’t make me cringe because they are already down on their luck and shameless trying to do all they can to get paid….

So Hough, the MORMON GONE WILD, is the kind of dancer that makes me cringe less hard than other dancers, because she’s too buy making me hard in other ways…or at least the concept of hard…when I say “hard” it’s the equivalent of someone saying “that was funny” instead of laughing…you see…

Anyway, she’s promoting a book the only way she knows how, through whoring because she turned her back on the church…

Last week we saw her pussy cleavage, this week, we see nipples…skinny, emaciated, dancing nipples that Ryan Seacrest sucked harder than he does on Wheel of Fortune.

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough’s Possible Vagina on Instagram of the Day

Julianne Hough is a Mormon gone wild and as someone who has been really into the Mormon memes for the last decade, or the Mormon girls gone wild of the internet who take provocative pics in their John Smith bloomers, all while appreciate the business mind of the Mormon, from Jet Blue to Marriott, what don’t these devout followers of their lord dominate….I like the polygamy sects of mormonism…I like the hot country girls who resonate with my “Farmer’s Daughter” fetish….I like it all….even those Mormons like Julianne Hough who got molested and strayed from the faith, only to become a heathen on TV and in life…from getting SEACREST OUT of her assshole, to other fun things.

I don’t like dancing with the stars, I think it’s an attack on the minds of the people. If you feed them retarded smut, they will be brainless morons, rather than programming that stimulates their mind…but this girl who we all thought fucked her brother came out of that shit dancing, still dancing, only now she does it with more slut in her middle aged step.

In today’s videos we have the MORMON GONE WILD, showing off her terrifyingly fit dance body in a GET READY WITH ME featuring her lingerie matching set….perverse…

And a work out video with her vagina from behind doing fitness….and it’s all so entertaining…

She’s in the process of promoting a book and this is how she does it. Pussy first….Best pussy forward….

Posted in:Julianne Hough