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Archive for the Ivanka Trump Category




Ivanka Trump’s Got her Tits Pushed Up of the Day

Some people say that Ivanka Trump has had work done, that this is not her authentic or original face. They say it’s a new nose, that it’s new lips, that is’ a new chin and jawline….

Some people think she was replaced with a sexbot robot to make babies for that dude who financed the Kardashians in their underwear and activewear venture, maybe it’s part of the silent alien invasion that has all the elites being run by parasites in flesh suits…

I don’t know what’s really going on, but clearly they are just haters who don’t appreciate hot old chicks with their big old tits in an outfit you can jerk off to….

The fact she’s the President’s daughter, should make her even hotter to you….

So celebrate Ivanka, she’s still got it thanks to no one deporting her mom when they had a chance….

Posted in:Ivanka Trump




Ivanka Trump’s Waist to Hip Ratio of the Day

I don’t subscribe to the standard political bullshit that divides the retards of America. I am Canadian and we have our own single party pretending to be two party nonsense going on here.

I realize it’s just WWE marketing tactics of good vs evil, which targets the hive mind in different ways, forcing you to PICK A SIDE of you evil overlord or whatever…

So, sure it’s your election year, and sure FREEDOM is at stake, and sure ABORTIONS…and BORDERS and MEXICAN and WALLS and FRAUD and CRACK HEADS and SEXUAL ASSAULTING and whatever else people jump to…but it’s all pretty fucking boring…

So as someone who realizes it’s all bullshit, I can enjoy staring at Ivanka Trump’s TITTIES in her dress, showing some ratio…and birthing hips…like an old rich mom in Florida that she is….

Apparently, Kim Kardasahian and the other ELITES who don’t live in our SLAVE class appreciate her as well, since Ivanka’s husband financed Kim K’s underwear brand that is worth billions…as they all LAUGH at the rates fighting over scraps of meat….

Figure it out retard…

Posted in:Ivanka Trump




Hot Ivanka Trump’s Slutty Selfie of the Day

Here’s everyone’s favorite TRUMP…which may not be saying much since everyone seems to hate all the Trumps, even though they are hilarious.

I figure it’s the whole bullshit political division thanks to all the propaganda you subscribe to….

So either you believe her dad is the savior coming to save you from the communists or globalists or the evil cabal that run the world…

Or you think he’s a greasy opportunistic New York used car sales man who is out for himself, his ego, his narcissism, and an actual distraction from progress because he throws more fuel into the fire with all his whining, to further the division while being some sort of insensitive cyberbully which makes everyone sad….because they don’t like bullies….even though bullies are how shit gets done….

So you can look at his hot daughter, now in her 40s, showing off her big tits and long legs, that everyone wants to fuck, even her dad, if he wasn’t her dad, cuz she’s just that good, and genetic attraction is real…like I’ve been looking at her since she first started showing up….and sexualize her proper….you with kindness and respect, or you can sexualize her with a hate fuck in mind….

Either you want to get with her to get close to her dad, despite her finance bro husband,….or you want to get with her to get revenge on her dad in your own kind of hate fuckin’ way….because that’s how contentious the Orange man is.

I’m more of a “check out the tits and legs on that mom”…..but I also think that Trump is hilarious and that all politics are a fucking joke to confuse the simple minds!

We can all agree that Ivanka’s a babe.

Posted in:Ivanka Trump




Ivanka Trump’s Nipples at the UN of the Day

I don’t do politics. I am Canadian and don’t care. I do see the comedy of politics. I see the jokes from either Trump haters, or Trump supporters or Trump. I laugh at some of things, mainly the overly uptight social justice warriors. I laugh at how disconnected the coastal cities and “rich” people are from the rest of the country. I laughed when Trump was voted in, not just because it is Trump, I laughed at the fact a reality star got into office…but I don’t really follow any of it. I’m more into tits and pussy news that isn’t news to bother….which brings me to this very important Ivanka Trump appearance for your Government, with her big socialite mom tits, all hard nippled which isn’t just fun for her dad, but fun for all of us…..

If more political news was about hard nipples and not whining on either side….I’d probably be more into politics cuz hard nipples make everything better. Hard nipples mad high school french class better – the teacher always had hard nips. It made gym class better because of the girl in my class with big nipples in an era where bras weren’t built padded….and I guess it makes the UN political meetings better too…

Posted in:Ivanka Trump|Ivanka Trump|SFW




Ivanka Trump Big Titties of the Day

Ivanka Trump runs errands with her kids before heading to Trump SoHo Hotel

Here’s the future First Lady – just as soon as Trump gets into office and makes marrying your daughter legal…

I wonder if the red wing, white power, insane Trump people realize that Ivanka and her husband are Orthodox jews and their kids…Daddy Trump’s grandkids – are all little Jewish babies..something that he didn’t really talk about during his campaign – because you know the alt-right don’t like Jews and how they own the media…except maybe when they own Facebook – and that’s the whole reason they exist…

Not that I hate the Alt Right….I’m just a huge fan of incest because I don’t have family so I can sexualize everything…and I encourage any laws to allow a father and daughter to marry – because as we learned in the gay marriage campaigns – who are we to decide who people are allowed to love….

She’s wearing a tight dress, her tits hard, her face older…as she shamelessly promotes her product line everytime she does media for her dad’s insane troll / win…


Posted in:Ivanka Trump|SFW




Ivanka Trump’s Nipple from Y2k of the Day


With all this talk of Donald Trump and his naked statue..


People just going nuts over his comedy routine, some people buying it, other people mad at it…all while his ego hears his name on the news all the fucking time….

I figure we should look at his hot daughter -Ivanka Trump – who he seems to like a little too much – thanks to that narcissism…”she’s half me…with a pussy and tits…I like it…

It’s a Y2k Throwback – or as instagram would call it – a Flashback Friday…with a puffy underdeveloped 20 year old tit…that didn’t have implants…but that did have a shiny silver dollar puffy nipple going on…and that is one think trump worth staring at….


Posted in:Ivanka Trump