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Archive for the Farrah Abraham Category




Farrah Abraham Fitness Inspo of the Day

Farrah Abraham is a magical creature that I appreciate because the one time this site went viral and hit 10,000,000 people in one day was because of her…..

I had a relationship with VIVID, the iconic porn company that was destroyed by the rich internet pornographers, as they do. But at the time they were putting out celebrity and celebrity adjacent porn videos and I was on their marketing program because I was the only celebrity blog that posted full penetration.

They’d give me a clip of each movie, exclusive to me, you my dear reader would get a taste of something you couldn’t find anywhere else, and it worked as a concept until it didn’t.

Anyway, I had the exclusive Farrah Abraham squirt video from her anal movie with a porn dude, and the Teen Mom fanbase went NUTTY….

So I like Farrah Abraham and all she’s done in her weird fucking life, with her weird fucking body and in the fact that the teen mom is STILL producing nude content all these years later.

I guess it takes a special kind of broken whore to get knocked up at 16, only to get famous for getting knocked up at 16, but we already knew Farrah was a special kind of whore.

Here she is bringing some fitness skipping excitement….this make inspire you to work out, or it may inspire you to run in fear of the mutant human coming to eat your soul…either way…it’s inspiring.

Posted in:Farrah Abraham




Farrah Abraham Backdoor of the Day

I am a big fan of Farrah Abraham. She’s a reality star done right.

I don’t even know why I like her as much as I do, maybe it’s the fact that we were technically business partners when her sex tape came out and I had the squirting clip, only to be linked on GAWKER and basically reach 1,000,000 people in ONE day, it was the biggest traffic day in the history of the site and it has been progressively downhill ever since, which some would argue was the same fate for Farrah Abaraham, you know the fade into OBSCURITY, BUT clearly they haven’t seen what she’s up to, with amazing spreading of asshole pics.

Clearly she knows the asshole is the window, or gateway to the soul…and this is her way of letting you into her life….which for those of you who don’t know…is the best way to be welcomed into her life…just ask the pornstar who fucked her up the ass for her movie…HE KNOWS.


Posted in:Farrah Abraham




Farrah Abraham Gets a UTI of the Day

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Farrah Abraham is a fucking legend in the grand scheme of the world, but I like to think of her as a legend to me, not only because the single biggest traffic day on the site, and really the single biggest money day was when VIVID gave me a clip of her squirting in her first porno video….and GAWKER linked to it….making it basically my LEWINSKY…which is a reference I make to Drudge Report, despite not knowing anything about Drudge Report other than that they went viral with the Lewinsky story….which may not even be a true story, but something I’ve assumed true for at least 15 years so I run with it…

Anyway, I fucking peaked and that was the top….it’s been downhill since, and I’d say the samething applies to the TEEN MOM you know only got KNOCKED up to get on TV, because it’s a good way to get on MTV at 16 if you didn’t have a rich parent to give you a SUPER SWEET 16 BIRTHDAY party…what’s with MTV and teens….what are they CNN?

So as the horny enough to get knocked up at 16, rewarded for bad cum filled pussy behavior at a young age, then again when she did the sex tape, the babe has found her stride with producing content like this….which seems to be WHIPPED cream in the PUSSY…a recipe for a YEAST infection…or a REALLY tasty birthday cake…depending on whether you’re a glass half full motherfucker or not..

She may look clownlike, but she was doing this before the other whores or wholes or holes…of the internet…so bow own to the leader, the trend setter, the first mover who I don’t think should EVER be forgotten but rather a taught in schools across America….like the legend she is.


Posted in:Farrah Abraham




Farrah Abraham Pussy of the Day

I like Farrah Abraham. Sure she looks like a fucking circus freak or circus clown and she must be pushing 40 now but I respect her hustle….

She was a young slut who got pregnant young, probably at the request of MTV producers who scouted her at a casting…”you’d be great for teen mom, get pregnant and give us a calL”…to which the fame seeker ran to her closest dick willing to cum in her and said “Not in the ass this time”…making her celebrity dream come true…

She ended up being on a show people apparently watch cuz they like teens who fuck, I mean why else would you watch that shit….and who green lit that Hollywood / Viacom / Sumner Redstone? It’s a little weird to sensationalize teen pregnancy in a way for kids to follow suit hoping they end up on MTV too, only to end up stripping, living in a trailer park on meth with kids that have been abducted by the child protective services, where they are out getting molested, cuz you know good people don’t work in Foster Care…at least statistically….

Instead of spinning off to something mainstream, maybe teen mom grown up, she went into porn…released a sex tape like she was KIM K, only it was with a male pornstar and contrived, turning her from MTV starlet who could have secured brand deals with her social media fame and made millions…to porn slut who made me a lot of money because I ran an affiliate link on her sex tape and Gawker picked it up and shit…that squirt scene was my most important day in history of existence…so I see her as my cash cow and myself as her pimp…even if we never met…there’s that pimp/whore love that is undeniable…

Which is why I’ll stare at her pussy and encourage you all to support this goddess in her exclusive content like she supported me through her squiriting scene unintentionally, but that’s ok…

For the record, it wasn’t life changing money…no private jets or yachts but I am a simple man and it was a huge deal for me….and for that…we celebrate this…whatever it is…


Posted in:Farrah Abraham




Farrah Abraham is Amazing of the Day

This video is probably better suited for stepSMUT but as far as I’m concerned Farrah Abraham cannot be porn or do porn even when she is doing porn, plus I have no advertisers, they all think I am porn, the worst porn but still porn….that should be my slogan…SOCIETY CHOSE THIS PORN LIFE FOR ME since I don’t think I am porn.

Anyway, Farrah Abraham cannon be porn because she’s an MTV sensation, Teen Mom….just demonstrating the level of horny one must have to take loads as a teen to end up on TV…instead of doing normal teen things like studying for midterms or whatever they fucking do…

When Farrah Abraham made the move to produced porn with legit pornstars I was happy to see it happen, she’s far more interesting with her bolt on tits and muppet face, it was a good use of her celebrity in a “I don’t give a fuck” way…because she could have easily just done brand deals like an influencer…but she said, no, I’ll let James Dean fuck me up the ass til I squirt…and that takes a level of horny that would land you a teen mom in the first place and that’s worth respecting her for….you know think of all the other reality stars, from Survivor to Amazing Race….Real Housewives to the Hills…to Little People Big World…and Pawn Stars….that HAVE NOT GONE to porn and made it….when Farrah says “fuck it”…and does it her way…That’s HERO shit…

This is a clip of a longer video on her OnlyFans….that I am encouraging you to sign up for, you know so Farrah sees this as promo and not something to send lawyers after….because I think Farrah Abarahm is potentially the perfect women…or not…either way she’s fucking herself on camera and it’s amazing..

Posted in:Farrah Abraham




Farrah Abraham’s Nude Dance of the Day

This is a week old, but I just saw it now because I am bad at keeping up with all the nonsense, but I am glad I saw it now, because it is a video of Farrah Abraham dancing naked, but I like to think it’s INCREDIBLE and important…because Farrah Abraham may not be incredible or important…but she’s a shameless teen mom who was tabloid fodder who turned into a low level porn chick…in actual produced anal sex and squirt porn….only to slowly lose any relevance…while getting clown tits and tons of weirdo surgeries…that don’t make her look better but that are pretty funny….and now she sells nudes online…people buy her nudes online…that’s an amazing rags to riches story if I’ve ever seen one…I am a fan.

Posted in:Farrah Abraham




Farrah Abraham Bells Palsy Face of the Day

Farrah Abraham New Face

Farrah Abraham has a new face, it could be bells palsy though, but it isn’t. It’s just a social commentary, you know, her showing the world what all these people are striving for with the face injections, by going above and beyond, to the extreme, you know totally committing to it. Which is the American way, why stop here – when you can go so much further….I mean, we could all break down the reasons why her look is ridiculous, but at the same time, she’s Farrah Abraham, an ugly ball of trash from MTV who has dabbled in porn, we’ve seen her squirt, we’ve seen her take dick in her ass like he should have done back in high school but that wouldn’t have got her on TV, and she was probably already doing that when she decided to get on MTV and ride that MTV wave for years. We have no expectations for her to do anything much beyond jacking her face up…and filming herself fuck…which in and of itself makes her a living fucking legend.

Farrah Abraham Bikini



Posted in:Farrah Abraham|SFW




Farrah Abraham Shrunk Her Bikini of the Day

Farrah Abraham Bikini

I’ve written a lot of praise for Farrah Abraham….

I celebrate that she is the slutty teen who used taking loads in her pussy as a tactic to get on MTV…because MTV is irresponsible and glamorized teen pregnancy, like a Kardashian glamorized sex tapes…think of how many girls got pregnant at 15 to be on the show…and didn’t end up on the show…it’s funny and Farrah represents that.

When you want celebrity, you do whatever it takes to get where you gotta go…especially when you’re 15 years old…obviously a girl with an insatiable appetite to be fucked….but not just up the ass like other high school girls scared of pregnancy….in the pussy too.

I like that she went from MTV reality TV to hardcore anal / squirt porn without even trying to stage it as anything “leaked”…she just got clown tits, jacked up her face, and ended up going for the gold….if she’s gonna do it, do it with a professional….cuz what it comes down to is that she’s a fucking pervert…exhibitionist…and being fucked on camera dealt with those two things…

I made over 5,000 dollars off her Sex Tape, which is the most money this site ever made, so I guess I work for her….and that’s more money than any sex worker has paid me….so I guess she is a captain of industry as she walks around in her tiny bikini on her distorted looking body…like EVERY single part of her is weird looking….and it’s great…to me….it represents the American Dream or the failure of the American Dream….on every fucking level.


Posted in:Farrah Abraham|SFW




Farrah Abraham See Through of the Day

Farrah Abraham See Through

Word on the street is Farrah Abraham was arrested for prostitution while her daughter sat in the lobby waiting for her…..

I don’t really align with the narrative that is going on in the media or social media these days, mainly because everyone is a suck up loser, who doesn’t call people out, but instead support and encourage the idiots….

They think it’s lowbrow to make fun of someone, or to make a joke out of someone, which I totally disagree with.

I think if someone is a public figure in whatever capacity, putting themselves out there means I can make fun of them….and sure they are often times easy targets but there is still a level of artistry that goes into really ripping a motherfucker apart…

I just googled the Farrah Story – which is that she was turning sex work tricks in the hotel room – while her daughter waited….because she’s a sex worker….

Not one story said “This whore needs to be taken from her kid for being a whore”…instead they say shit like:

Don’t shame sex workers…

There’s no shame in sex work, folks!

we applaud her for the ways in which she’s made sex work work for her in the past.

Is that a fucking joke, some bitch on Reality Tv, turned to Hardcore porn and camming, and now turns tricks in hotels…fucking awesome, really something to celebrate and encourage…you fucking idiots…

It’s actually gross, a disease, an issue and girl needs fucking help..

Instead the passive liberal audience of transgendered idiots are doing a “you go girl”…in something that is fucking dangerous, disgusting, and not what a mom should do to maintain her lifestyle.

Sex work is the bottom of the barrel, the lowest wrung on the ladder, the easiest thing to do…that’s why it’s the oldest profession…cuz instinctively girls, even caveman girls are whores who want to get paid for their sex…it doesn’t mean it’s a respectable fucking thing. It’s clickbait. Low hanging fruit clickbait.

TREAT A PROSTITUTE LIKE A FUCKING PROSTITUTE cuz she clearly has no self respect. That’s a fucking fact.

Farrah Abraham See Through


Posted in:Farrah Abraham|SFW




Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons of the Day

Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons

Farrah Abraham has made me money over the years, thanks to her staged sex tape that I was given an exclusive clip of, and that GAWKER when they still existed linked, sending 200,000 TEEN mom perverts over to the site, many of whom pulled out their CREDIT CARDS and bought her sex tape…I guess seeing a slut from MTV, who is only on MTV for being a TEEN SLUT, do hardcore porn, ANAL AND SQUIRTING, as sluts do….with a male pornstar named James Franco or some shit…


That makes her my favorite, my friend and ally, even though I haven’t met her….because none of these other whores, empowered sex positive slut or not have made me shit….

So for that I appreciate her…but I also appreciate her clown tits coming to the circus tits…with that mangled fucking face….

She may not be a legend, but she’s something…I am just not sure what.

Farrah Abraham Bolt Ons


Posted in:Farrah Abraham|SFW