It’s International Women’s Day, or as I like to call it, It’s International Labia Day, because like the woke libtards, I like to reduce people down to their genitals. but unlike woke libtards, I do it to objectify and not in a weird intellectualized inhuman inclusive way!
The point is, I love pussy and everyday is a celebration of Women….we don’t need bullshit Hallmark holidays to get people posting their sisters or mothers or inspos, or soul sisters who inspire them.
We can just look at pussy like normal people into women and the achievements of women all with the help of their LABIA…
Happy international women’s day! As an ally who has done so much for the international women of the world, I feel like today is my day just as much as theirs.
To the freaks born with a penis and still with a penis, who have decided they like chicks so much and find tits so hot, they went and got themselves a pair, and not as part of an elaborate bro-prank, but to change their name and to live out their life as a woman, this day is not for you, but for what you aspire to be and will never be, and that’s always a good way to motivate yourself to be better.
To the actual women of the world, in all your money grubbing, whoring, navigating the world with a vagina in tow, not always sure how to use it, because society has taken you out of the traditional caregiver, child bearing, child raising role and turned you into some boss bitch career girl of internet, where all your traditional caregiver, child bearing, child raising, family running skills that are ingrained in the core of your DNA but are being misdirected…..Show the world your vagina and declare at the top of your lungs that “you are woman, not a person with vulva, not a person with womb, not a birthing person, but a woman and this here is your protest cunt”….not that we have to protest but it seems more serious and purposeful that way, which I think will lead to more people hopping on the trend because everyone likes a good viral protest to attach themselves to like the drone fucks they are, why not make it about flashing hot Pussy and even not so hot Pussy and calling it Pussy empowerment, like when they say whoring is empowering, despite being the opposite of empowering by definition since it’s whoring.
Point being, today we celebrate the VAG in ways I do daily…by looking at them. Pussy is the reason for successes and the reason for our failures, responsible for all the good and all the evil, no other orifice can claim that it is responsible for an entire existence of a species or responsible for me not being successful because I spend my whold day looking at it and distracted by it….POWERFUL…and the source of all HUMAN existence….POWERFUL…and there is just so much pussy on the internet…almost tribal..
I am the interenet vagina hunter who you always talks about vagina and how I prefer it to ALL other women parts except their minds, personalities, and ability to problem solve….
Posted in:Labia