I saw this picture of Nina Dobrev from behind yesterday and I probably should have posted it because it’s fucking great…
She’s got a hot fucking ass, in the right pose, long looking legs, and is a reminder that Eastern European women are just built better.
There is a reason that Ronald McDonald/Carrot Top the Snowboarder who I think is a billionaire at this point has chosen her older ass to call his own….it’s a great fucking ass…and I am into pussy from behind, so I may be overhyping this, but as far as I’m concerned it’s fucking perfect….all bikini pics should be the modern Coppertone Girl, you know because she’s over 18….
The body is good, the ratio good, the tits good, the face doesn’t look like a muppet and she’s genuinely having a good time, but I guess as an Eastern European, she’s probably happy not being in a communist workcamp….and now that she’s on the right side of the conversation…she’ll never be in a communist workcamp…but I can’t say the same for you…but at least we’ll be able to live vicariously through the rich and famous who aren’t affected by COVID…because…they know it’s not real, but that they have to pretend it is, to keep you fuckers at home and away from their fancy places you didn’t have access to before either.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev