Kira Kosarin is some child actor which means she’s 23 now, but will she live to see 24, the way things are going….I don’t know….
Wait, that’s not what I was trying to say, must be some trigger thanks programming / mind control that when I hear 23….I go into Gangster’s Paradise…
It could be the same programing / mind control that Kira the childstar who has been exposed….you know since she’s been in the game for at lest 10 years, which means she was 13 years old when she got her start, and has probably been around some really terrible people who made her do really terrible things and presented it as just being in the industry…
I am a firm believer that all actors, even little kids in movies, should be played by 20 year olds, even if you have to Wizard of Oz that shit and hire dwarfs…let kids be kids you fame hungry narcissistic parents who don’t give a fuck about the well being of your child….
That said, apparently she makes music now…as they all do…and here’s her dance…

Posted in:Kira Kosarin