I don’t know why Lais Ribeiro is doing the same titty dance as Jennifer Lopez …..maybe it’s some Latin based memo that I wasn’t included on…
J.Lo the New York born Puerto Rican….and Lais Ribeiro the single mom from Brazil…not quite from the same time of Latin…but doing the same titty jiggle dance..
Maybe it’s just a lack of creativity, when backed into a wall and in need of updating the social media, all women respond the same – with a TITTY JIGGLE…
Maybe this is some deep rooted DNA coded primal instinct women have when faced with a camera, danger, or whatever.
Maybe we just uncovered some missing link in Anthropology…that no one has ever mapped out cuz they are too busy jacking off to the titty jiggle…
Or maybe it’s just basic bullshit from a whore who is paid to be half naked trying to be sexy…on some sex worker level of talent…
Either way…a Single Mom from Brazil who is paid a lot of money a year by a panty brand…shaking her tits…is fun.

Posted in:Lais Ribeiro|SFW