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Archive for the Kim Kardashian Category




Kim Kardashian’s Circus Freak Relationship of the Day

I call bullshit.

Sure, maybe the family is connected at the soul, you know cuz Kris Humphries has two sisters named Krystal and Kaela, on some ridiculous “We name our kids with the letter K” connection….but there’s no way this motherfucker is black enough for Kim Kardashian’s liking. Maybe the 6 foot 9 factor allows his penis to work in the way of Ray J, you know cuz even a tiny dick on a 6 foot 9 dude is probably a foot long, and Kardashian needs big cock to fill her fat cunt, all girls love big cock, but Kardashian needs big cock, just to get around that huge ass of her and penetrate her pussy at the same time, dude needs to be at least a foot just to get the tip in.

Not that it matters.

What matters is that I’m pretty sure Kardashian’s into this cuz she appreciates the fact people notice her cuz this spectacle is almost comical….I just hope the sex tape’s being filmed, cuz seriously, I love freakshow sex. It’s a weakness.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Doesn’t Gets Wet of the Day

How about some Kim Kardashian fat fucking pig using a bag from designer boutiques as an umbrella, cuz she’s the smartet and richest pig in the barn, to not get wet, cuz bitches like this don’t like getting wet, they are more into dudes wanting to fuck them, then actually fucking them, you know too busy looking at the mirror applying movie make-up to cover up her Adam’s apple, mustache, that she can’t get wet or else people will know the truth, strapping herself in a harness to make her look as skinny as possible, despite the fact that she just can’t stop eating cake, and has the resources that allow her to stay seated for 40 hours at a time, she doesn’t even have to get up to piss, they have it sorted out, not that she was ever the pissing type, she was more into getting pissed on…..

I don’t know what I’m ranting, I blame her fat ass in jeans and flat shoes for throwing me off my game…something I am sure has been blamed before and will be blamed again for ruining the world since she’s the fucking devil…not that this post is the world….or is it? FOLLOW ME

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian in Leather Pants of the Dy

Little known fact. Kim Kardashian makes me money. Sure it’s not much money, cuz this site sucks, but it is enough to get drunk at least twice a month, which means in a weird way, Kim Kardashia pretty much works for me….or maybe that means I work for her…because everytime I post on her, it gives her attention, even if only to a handful of half retarded people, it’s still some stamp of approval I don’t like doing….

Little known fact. Kim Kardashian is fat as fuck. That body is some sloppy mess marketed to be a good thing, but definitely not a good thing, cuz it makes girls who would otherwise have eating disorders if their idols were who they were supposed to be, and not lazy, talentless, whores, you know like back when fat chicks weren’t famous for nothing, to order that other piece of cake.

Little known fact. I tweet Kardashian daily, cuz she knows how this game works and hasn’t unblocked me cuz she knows how the game works, even though I only have a handful of half retarded followers.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d still want to taste her fat chck asshole after a day in these pants sweating, but I have no standards. If anything, I’m disgusting. I also don’t think this ass is all that great to look at, especially when this bitch didn’t strap herself down in spanx hard enough for this pant choice, and the heels she’s wearing that can’t get any higher to make any fucking sense..

Who cares. There are more important things going on in the world.

To See The Rest of the Pictures –
Follow This Link

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Leg of the Day

I saw the exact same body working the checkout line at WalMart the other day….Kim Kardashian is pretty fucking hideous….nothing but a no good, daddy issue porn star…I like repeating this because as she makes 70 million dollars a year, that would be 400 million a year if she was actually hot, and people overlook the fact that she staged this Black Dick Sucking Scene to be like her bff Paris….

She’s low grade, bottom feeder but the marketing machine and her PR people have spun the story in a way you all forget what matters….She She Was Pissed On In Video After She Fucked cuz she’s nothing but a toilet bowl of a person…a public urinal that should be shit in accidentally when drunk and trying to make friends laugh..

The only thing I’m with her on is that if I was stuck with the cunt who I won’t name that she’s with, I’d pretend to be on the phone too, cuz the cunt she is with who I won’t name is the fucking worse…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Music is a Money Making Joke of the Day

I saw on Twitter that Kim Kardashian was sucking Perez Hilton’s dick like it was Ray J in her Sex Tape cuz she was releasing a new song and I guess wanted his stamp of approval…or at least as much press as she can get for her shit…knowing he caters to 14 year old girls, he’s a good starting point…not to mention he’ll do anything if you acknowledge he exists….

That said, here’s the song, that is not even a song…She’s not even singing…..She’s talking nonsense over a shitty beat on repeat….

They just know anything they shit out people will eat the fuck up…including Ryan Seacrest who premiered her song…and who also is the executive producer on her show and making millions off her – of course he’ll play it again….

Either way, I am not surprised her song is about her jam though, I mean based on her fatness, I figure her jam or any of her sugary foods are her object of desire…you know her one true love that is always there for her, I mean other than black man dick…

What a fucking joke…a joke that is gonna make millions….proving yet again there is no integrity left in Hollywood….it is just mainstream crap…

If she really wanted a real hit, she would have let herself get pissed on like in her sex tape that made her….I guess we’ll have to wait for the video…

buy her sex tape cuz I like when Kardashian’s Pussy Makes me Money

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass Breaks Chairs of the Day

As a fat man who is married to an even fatter chick….I’ve seen my fair share of fat person versus furniture….that includes being unable to fit in the fucking thing on the bus, or in other public places cuz they don’t factor in obesity into their design…or having the thing break from under us….so they can pretend Kardashian breaking the chair is a prank…you know a defective chair…while I know that’s just a cover-up for her actually breaking the chair cuz she’s fatness….fatness I’d probably ask to taste the parts of her she can’t wash properly cuz her hands don’t reach – cuz I am disgusting…

Here’s a video rendition of what you can expect to see on her show when it actually hits TV…instead of the press releases images announcing this smut publicity stunt like it’s news that I’m posting here…

To Read the Bullshit Story And See More Pics – Follow This Link

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Got No Make-Up On of the Day

Considering she’s the kind of bitch who gets her make-up tattooed to her tacky face, I’m not sure how accurate this “No Make-Up” statement is, and I’m gonna go with not very accurate, cuz botox and fake lips in what could be the most materialistic, vain despite being chubby pussy in hollywood, who no one really understands or really cares about, but who managed to make 65 million dollars last year, just doesn’t do the no make up thing, ever, under any circumstance, and maybe what we are seeing is that she’s just not wearing as much fucking make-up as her whore face normally does, you know none of that movie magic shit that makes her look like a tranny about to perform, and just some subtle everyday make-up that is probably substantially more than the women you encounter wear, but less than her usual clown get-up…and knowing these girls, she’s probably made up to not look made up for publicity…and the real question is why the fuck am I writing about this? Seriously. Should I just kill myself now, or let nature take it’s course…cuz this has got to be the fucking end….

What it comes down to is that she’s a fucking monster….

And some spandex…..faking a gym visit….even though her ass can’t back up that lie….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s TIts for Valentines Day of the Day

It’s funny that like in elementary school, tits are all it takes to get attention, noticed, affection, celebrity….When I think back to some of the girls I wanted to have sex with as a sixth grade pervert…I remember that all I cared about was the fact they had some tit…while the actual hot girls were ignored cuz they didn’t….I’m talking some real monster looking girls who either ended up fat, who looked inbred, but thanks to early onset puberty, mattered for a fucking minute of their lives….

Here are Kim Kardashian’s tits for some Valentines Day, cuz hot or not, useful or not, interesting or not, that’s all the really fucking matters….

We live in a weird world…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian For Harpers Bazaar by Terry Richardson of the Day

Harper’s Bazaar decided to waste Terry Richardson’s abilities as a smut photograher by booking him to shoot one of the tamest spreads I’ve seen of Kim Kardashian, a smut starlet…. I get that everything she touches turns to gutter trash and she doesn’t need to shove it down our throats or be gratituous or cheapen her who brand in tastelessness…..and I get the whole attention whore pornstar shit not doing pornstar shit irony or maybe to pull the drapes over our eyes to help make us forget…cuz no one has the time to really care or be reminded how bullshit this bitch is but I expect more nudity out of this bitch….cleavage doesn’t fuckin’ cut it…but here are the pics anyway…cuz I am part of her PR Team…I just don’t get paid.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Prince Kicks Kim Kardashian Off Stage of the Day

I guess Kim Kardashian is at the point of entitled where she feels like her big round porno sex tape making ass has the right to do whatever the fuck she wants…She’s untouchable…except when making sex tapes with black dudes who not only touch her….and have unprotected sex with her…but also pee on her….not that it matters..she’s done a great job making the world forget her sex tape….Even Though They Can Buy It Here

It is all our fucking fault for making her this brand everyone loves and that I don’t understand…but here’s her latest story…cuz her D cup titties and fat ass have given us the opportunity to really get to know her….annoying personality that’s conning us while making millions…

So she got on stage with Prince, he kicked her off, cuz she has no right fucking up his show or cheapening it by showing her 5 foot 2 frame being taller than him and if you want to read the funny story about how she refused to dance cuz she thought it would ruin her gut harness that makes her look less fat or maybe cuz her only move is being a public urinal at a Jamaican bobsled training session for the locals..if you know what I mean ….no racist. follow this link ….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian