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Archive for the Jennifer Lawrence Category




Jennifer Lawrence Nipple in MOTHER of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence lets a tit out GIF

I think it’s safe to say that the highlight of the day for you will be that Jennifer Lawrence pulled her tit out in her attempt at another Oscar performance in her boyfriend’s movie “Mother”….

I know that we’ve all seen her tits before, in her selfies, but they were awesome tits, and took her from being a very annoying personality that Hollywood decided was worthy of all the fame…confusing anyone who ever saw her in a movie….to someone with great tits…who suddenly became alright…but all these movies she gets paid too much to be in, that she’s celebrated in, that they say are brilliant performances in…never feature tits…when we all know that tits not being shown in movies…should by default eliminate Oscar potential…and by default shouldn’t get a bitch paid what this bitch gets paid…because the tits are the reason we’d pay to see it.

We are all perverts…

Even in this era of everyone showing their tits, where tits aren’t frowned upon or a place of shame…I still like seeing the tits..when they are as well paid as these tits…because I love tits…and will commit to always sexualize tits to myself…while convince girls I am on the quest to desexualize tits by having them show me tits…it’s a manipulation tactic really….

Great tits!

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence




Jennifer Mesh Dress Wild Girl of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence in a mesh dress at London premiere of her new film Mother!

Jennifer Lawrence is in what looks like a mesh dress, but I just think it is an optical illusion, and that she’s just out there trying to promote some movie she is in because she fell in love with the director of that movie on that set and it means a lot to her that the movie does well…clickbaiting us all like the scam that she is…

I don’t find her hot or interesting, but it does make me want to cross reference this outfit to her tits, and thanks to google, her slutty selfies, the fappening, and the internet never forgetting..I can…

Because that is Jennifer Lawrence’s official best performance…

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Cleavage of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence at Venice Film Festival in sheer dress
Jennifer Lawrence is the ultimate scam of this generation…

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I have no idea why she’s so fucking hyped up…but for some reason, she’s so fucking hyped up….

Her movie performances are boring…but I guess accessible…as she always plays the same character…sometimes peppered with a bad accent…but always uninteresting…in her tactics to be the highest paid actress in Hollywood and coming close to it….

I’ve asked people in the industry / a dude who works the popcorn at the Movie Theater, the closest thing I have to access, he hooks me up with large size for the price of small and has once got me a TICKET to a movie….and he said it’s all just to keep budgets high so people make more…off the film….and that natural talent doesn’t exist…

But I do like her tits, I’ve seen them in the nude leaks, and they were great…and here they are in a semi-sheer dress also great…but not as great as the scam she’s pulling as a credible actress you know…since the rest of her isn’t even that cute…

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence in Vouge of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is in VOGUE because I guess she’s promoting some bullshit…and I am sure she’s had a lot of irrelevant things to say about her and her existence in how she scammed Hollywood into thinking she’s this natural talent in a career that requires no talent…IT IS ALL LIES…but keep paying her 25 million dollars a movie…she DESERVES it…even though she irritates me and everyone I’ve ever spoke to….yet still getting work..because the industry has positioned her in a way that lets them increase budgets and make more money despite no one actually going to movies except maybe a few homeless people trying to stay warm in the winter….you’ll know that if you’ve been to a movie theater in the last year there is likely going to be under 10 people in the place…but for some reason, even the death of movies, people like this garbage still exist.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Hard Nip of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence may have had her best performance in her nude pics that circulated…maybe not according to the Academy Awards people, who buy into her shitty acting performances and pretend she’s a natural talent, when clearly, acting in movies is a fucking joke / scam / bullshit…

But those tits, they were good, making it almost tragic her career was in mainstream and not in awkward white girl porn…

She’s boring, but she has herpes, so clearly she has fun…and here are some pics of her hard nipples, because bras are obsolete…and nipples are IN…she’s so on trend…

These pics suck, but they are a high paid a-lister nipple – so be PUMPED

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence in Men’s Underwear VS Natalie Portman Cleavage for Fashion of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is rumored to have herpes that she got from Chris Martin, which means that Gwyneth Paltrow has herpes, and really everyone in Hollywood has herpes because they are all vapid narcissists with too much time on their hands, money in their banks, who choose to fuck unprotected because condoms are for pussies, and sick people and take away from the romance…

I would have assumed she had herpes long before, maybe from being friends with SCHUMER, or while dating the countless old dudes she’s dated….

She’s out in men’s underwear, a big deal for weirdos with women in men’s underwear fetishes…it’s FASHION people and you can see her uneventful over paid ass…

I would say she’s an awkward, uninteresting, garbage celebrity, but her nudes force me to like her for her tits and level of exhibitionism….but I will say, she’s not a great actress, just a lot of hype and proof that Hollywood is a scam that chooses some people to keep budgets high, as there is no way people are drawn into seats to see this bitch…it’s not like she’s THE ROCK….or something….

Either way she’s so fashionable in her designer pervert wear…as her super important ass lives it up as a celebrity…exciting.

She also has nipples and no bra – like most girls….at an event…


Natalie Portman was also at the same event for Fashion week, probably getting paid…rocking some titty so I’ll just throw it into this post cuz who cares about doing another post….I mean that’s too much effort…for such insignificant dog shit..


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Dog Walker with Nipples of the Day

Nipples are so mainstream…even Jennifer Lawrence, Hollywood’s sweetheart, the highest paid dumpy body – who looked good in her nude selfies – but who doesn’t really interest or excite me or anyone I know – yet they still dump her in big budget projects, over and over and over like she is some hero to the industry, a prodigy, a natural talent, in something that I don’t even consider an artform…acting…it’s more about just being an asshole, no shame, making a fool of yourself than anything else really…acting…

But her nipples are hard…as she walks her dog, I like that they looking like GOOGLY eyes…it’s more erotic when one nipple aims up to the heavens and the other to hell…it’s some kind of metaphor – whatever the fuck metaphor means…


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Quirky Drunk at a Strip Club of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence was drunk at a strip club….and a disaster – because she’s been a disaster…clumsy, drunk, an ego, who thinks she’s so fucking talented thanks to society buying into her quirky bullshit…

I don’t like that she’s been decided as the “starlet used to keep budgets high as hell”….

She’s not that hot, her tits are redeeming, but she’s dull, even when drunk on stage at a strip club, it’s really just her trying to get attention, all eyes on her, like a typical egotistical asshole.

She’s also not that good in movies, she’s always the same…but the industry decided shes’ the one to use to keep bugets high so they get paid…no rhyme or reason but it happened…

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Getting Paid Like the Hooker She is of the Day

Very important Jennifer Lawrence was probably paid millions and millions of dollars by Dior to star in their commercial….

A commercial that has been on their YOUTUBE for about a week and that has 13,000 views…

People who vlog about buying a T-Shirt at Walmart, a black size medium T-Shirt….shot on their iPhone 4….have more views that this shit..and it’s Tagged Jennifer Lawrence..an overrated actress, who isn’t that hot, has great tits, but who is a tool in the Hollywood equation to keep budgets high…She’s awkward and annoying and for some reason cosmetic companies have huge budgets to throw at some Hollywood shit, because they are all fame whores….and feel it’s status….but I doubt anyone would buy cosmetics because Jennifer Lawrence said so….but whatever…it happened and I’m just using this post as an excuse to post this pic of her or her body double naked and mid-fuck in a movie called Passnger….

Here are those very important Cosmetic pics…

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence In a One Piece Bathing Suit of the Day


Here’s some Jennifer Lawrence looking like Amy Schumer, all doughy and big-chinned, wearing a one piece bathing suit that has many portholes for her layer of fat to seep out of, because she’s an actress, an overrated, overpaid, boring, average at best looking, actress that the industry has decided is a golden child – worth the investment – for whatever reason – that I call “KEEPING BUDGETS HIGH SO EVERYONE MAKES MORE MONEY”….

I am sure there are weird celebrity obsessed fan boys that will jerk off to this…but if you take the “jennifer lawrence” quotient out of the equation – it’s pretty fucking clear that there’s very little amazing or jerk-off-able here…

I mean sure, if you’re a 45 year old film director, in the industry, dating her, knocking her up, is like an Oscar trophy…I’m talking to you Aronofsky..

But if you’re a normal dude, just looking on, who she wouldn’t give you the time of day if she saw you cuz celebrity women are by default total cunts…you should just stare at this and write a letter to congress, or the boycott all her movies…because she’s won enough, let’s give hotter chicks a chance.

RUMOR is this is one of her new nudes…it was posted 11 days ago…it could be her – but I say it’s too hot to be her…because it is.


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence