Rita Ora Lamed Censored Titty Flash/ Grab of the Day

Rita Ora took the birthday of her childhood best friend who I guess is on her payroll, since all these famous people have mooches they take around for their own entertainment, otherwise they get bored and lonely on their slow as fuck climb to fame, navigating all that cock to suck and fuck to matter, before finally manipulating people into giving you money to promote underwear and to produce song and to buy tickets to see you perform said song all while living the live in luxury, like a celebrity…because despite me not admitting it, you’re a celebrity…

Either way she took the opportunity of her best friend’s birthday to post a pic of her flashing her great tits to the camera, the tits she exists because, and unfortunately censored it…while cheekily stating “this is pic is inappropriate, but I’ll post it anyway”….because she doesn’t think that, she thinks it is awesome and has been waiting to post it forever thanks to knowing she has great tits….it’s not science people…

Here she is working out….

And here is her hungry pussy eating her shorts..

Rita Ora Fat Cameltoe Pussy Eating her Shorts

Rita Ora Lamed Censored Titty Flash/ Grab of the Day July 26th, 2018