Ivanka Trump Big Titties of the Day

Ivanka Trump runs errands with her kids before heading to Trump SoHo Hotel

Here’s the future First Lady – just as soon as Trump gets into office and makes marrying your daughter legal…

I wonder if the red wing, white power, insane Trump people realize that Ivanka and her husband are Orthodox jews and their kids…Daddy Trump’s grandkids – are all little Jewish babies..something that he didn’t really talk about during his campaign – because you know the alt-right don’t like Jews and how they own the media…except maybe when they own Facebook – and that’s the whole reason they exist…

Not that I hate the Alt Right….I’m just a huge fan of incest because I don’t have family so I can sexualize everything…and I encourage any laws to allow a father and daughter to marry – because as we learned in the gay marriage campaigns – who are we to decide who people are allowed to love….

She’s wearing a tight dress, her tits hard, her face older…as she shamelessly promotes her product line everytime she does media for her dad’s insane troll / win…


Ivanka Trump Big Titties of the Day November 17th, 2016