Hilary Clinton and Kim Kardashian of the Day


While everyone was watching trump, Clinton was owning social media…by attaching herself to a selfie with two of the most horrible thing America has to offer…Kardashians…they suck you in, eat your soul and take your money…

I am not American, so I have no opinion on American Politics, but I am a logical person, and would say this is a blatant attempt to draw attention on herself, using “celebrities” who shouldn’t be celebrities, but are celebrities, because America is doomed…and the scary thing is, celebrity is enough for the massive, uneducated, consumer American who shops at Walmart and lives in poverty, and watches reality TV and reads tabloids, are the masses…and this probably will win Clinton votes…

Imagine if your great politicians of the past, if that ever existed, used porn slut marketing tools to get votes…

Oh what the world has become…

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Hilary Clinton and Kim Kardashian of the Day August 7th, 2015