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Wikipedia talk:Miscellany for deletion/Portal:Discworld

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32 Discworld articles: class= A, B, C, FA, GA, or LIST


275 Discworld article-space redirects

  1. .303 Bookworm
  2. 71-Hour Ahmed
  3. A'Tuin
  4. A. E. Pessimal
  5. AA Dinwiddie
  6. Aargrooha
  7. Achmed the Mad
  8. Acting-Constable Cuddy
  9. Adora Belle Dearheart
  10. Adrian Turnipseed
  11. Agi Hammerthief
  12. Agnes Nitt
  13. Albert (Discworld)
  14. Alberto Malich
  15. Ambiguous Puzuma
  16. Anghammarad
  17. Angua von Uberwald
  18. Angua von Überwald
  19. Annagramma Hawkin
  20. Archchancellor (Discworld)
  21. Atuin
  22. Auditors of Reality
  23. Auditors of reality
  24. Azrael (Discworld)
  25. B'hrian Bloodaxe
  26. Background magic
  27. Bashfull Bashfullson
  28. Bathys
  29. Bel Shamharoth
  30. Bel-Shamharoth
  31. Berilia
  32. Bill Door
  33. Binky (Discworld)
  34. Black Aliss
  35. Blind Io
  36. Bura'zak-ka
  37. Bursar (Discworld)
  38. C.M.O.T. Dibbler
  39. Captain Angua von Überwald
  40. Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson
  41. Captain Delphine Angua von Überwald
  42. Carcer Dun
  43. Carrot (Discworld)
  44. Carrot Ironfoundersson
  45. Casanunda
  46. Cecil Wormsborough St. John "Nobby" Nobbs
  47. Cheery Littlebottom
  48. Chelys galactica
  49. Cheri Littlebottom
  50. Chrysophrase (Discworld)
  51. Cohen the Barbarian
  52. Commander Vimes
  53. Conina
  54. Constable Dorfl
  55. Constable Downspout
  56. Constable Igor
  57. Constable Visit
  58. Constable Visit-the-Infidel-with-Explanatory-Pamphlets
  59. Constable Washpot
  60. Constable Wee Mad Arthur
  61. Cori Celesti
  62. Cori celesti
  63. Corporal Buggy Swires
  64. Corporal Nobbs
  65. Corporal Nobby Nobbs
  66. Corporal Ping
  67. Count Casanunda
  68. Count casanunda
  69. Count gribeau
  70. Counting pine
  71. Curious Squid
  72. Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler
  73. D'hrarak
  74. D'reg
  75. D'regs
  76. Darktan
  77. Deja fu
  78. Delphine Angua von Überwald
  79. Detritus (Discworld)
  80. Discworld calendar
  81. Discworld magic
  82. Dorfl
  83. Dr. Horace Worblehat
  84. Draco lunaris
  85. Draco nobilis
  86. Draco stellaris nauticae
  87. Draco vulgaris
  88. Dromes
  89. Duck Man (Discworld)
  90. Dunmanifestin
  91. Dwarf (Discworld)
  92. Dwarves (Discworld)
  93. Erzulie Gogol
  94. Eskarina
  95. Eskarina Smith
  96. Esme Weatherwax
  97. Esmerelda Weatherwax
  98. Eumenides Treason
  99. Evil Harry Dread
  100. Foul Ole Ron
  101. Fred Colon
  102. Frederick Colon
  103. Galactic turtle
  104. Galder Weatherwax
  105. Gaspode
  106. Gaspode the Wonder Dog
  107. General Tacticus
  108. Ghenghiz Cohen
  109. Giamo Casanunda
  110. Glorious Twenty-fifth of May
  111. God of evolution
  112. Golem (Discworld)
  113. Granny Aching
  114. Granny weatherwax
  115. Great A'Tuin
  116. Great A'tuin
  117. Great Atuin (Discworld)
  118. Great God Om
  119. Great T'Phon
  120. Great atuin
  121. Greebo
  122. Havelock Vetinari
  123. Herenna
  124. Hermit Elephant
  125. Herrena (Discworld)
  126. Hogswatch
  127. Hogswatchnight
  128. Hrun the Barbarian
  129. Hwel
  130. Igor (Ankh-Morpork watch)
  131. Imp Y Celyn
  132. Ironhammer
  133. Jason Ogg
  134. Jerakeen
  135. Kaos (Discworld)
  136. Khufurah
  137. Kickstool crab
  138. Kzad-bhat
  139. Lady Sybil Ramkin
  140. Lady Sybil Vimes
  141. Lance-Constable A. E. Pessimal
  142. Lance-Constable Bluejohn
  143. Lancre
  144. Latatian
  145. Lavaeolus
  146. Letice Earwig
  147. Letitia Keepsake
  148. Lewton (Discworld)
  149. Librarian (Discworld)
  150. Librarian of Unseen University
  151. Liessa
  152. Lipwig
  153. Lobsang Ludd
  154. Lord Downey
  155. Lord Havelock Vetinari
  156. Lu Tze
  157. Lu-Tze
  158. Lucy Warbeck
  159. Luggage (Discworld)
  160. Madam Sharn
  161. Magic (Discworld)
  162. Magrat
  163. Magrat Garlick
  164. Moon Dragon
  165. Moon dragons
  166. Mort (Discworld)
  167. Mort and Ysabell
  168. Mouldavia
  169. Mr Teatime
  170. Mr Tiddles
  171. Mr. Nutt
  172. Mr. Teatime
  173. Mr. Tiddles
  174. Mrs Earwig
  175. Mustrum Ridcully
  176. Myria LeJean
  177. New Death
  178. New Death (Discworld)
  179. Newgate Ludd
  180. Nijel the Destroyer
  181. Nobby Nobbs
  182. Noble Dragon
  183. Noble dragons
  184. Nuggan
  185. Octarine
  186. Octavo (Discworld)
  187. Octiron
  188. Offler
  189. Om (Discworld)
  190. Omnian
  191. Oook
  192. Patrician (Discworld)
  193. Patrician of Ankh-Morpork
  194. Perdita X Dream
  195. Petulia Gristle
  196. Pointless Albatross
  197. Polly Perks
  198. Ponder Stibbons
  199. Prince Khufurah
  200. Quantum Weather Butterfly
  201. Quezovercoatl
  202. Quoth (Discworld)
  203. Quoth The Raven
  204. Re-annual plant
  205. Reacher Gilt
  206. Reg Shoe.
  207. Republican Bee
  208. Rhys Rhysson
  209. Ridcully
  210. Ronnie Soak
  211. Sacharissa Cripslock
  212. Sapient pearwood
  213. Sarah Aching
  214. Scalbie
  215. Seldom Bucket
  216. Sergeant Cheery Littlebottom
  217. Sergeant Cheri Littlebottom
  218. Sergeant Colon
  219. Sergeant Detritus
  220. Sergeant Fred Colon
  221. Sergeant Stronginthearm
  222. Sgt colon
  223. Sh'rt'azs
  224. Shawn Ogg
  225. Slood
  226. Small gods
  227. Soul Cake Duck
  228. Soul Cake Tuesday Duck
  229. Stanley Howler
  230. Star voyaging dragon
  231. Star-voyaging Dragon
  232. Star-voyaging dragons
  233. Stronginthearm
  234. Susan Death
  235. Susan Sto Helit (Discworld)
  236. Susan Sto Helit (discworld)
  237. Susan Sto-Helit
  238. Susan death
  239. Susan sto helit
  240. Susan sto helit (discworld)
  241. Swamp dragon
  242. Sweevo (god)
  243. Sybil Ramkin
  244. Sybil vimes
  245. Thaum
  246. The Amazing Maurice
  247. The Discworld
  248. The Great Wizzard
  249. The Horsemen of the Apocralypse (Discworld)
  250. The Lady (Discworld)
  251. The Librarian (Discworld)
  252. The Luggage (Discworld)
  253. Trolls (Discworld)
  254. Twoflower
  255. Verence II
  256. Vermine
  257. Vetinari
  258. Victor Tugelbend
  259. Vimes
  260. Visit-the-Infidel-with-Explanatory-Pamphlets
  261. Vurm
  262. Wahoonie
  263. Washpot
  264. Wee Mad Arthur
  265. Wen the Eternally Surprised
  266. William de Worde
  267. Willie Hobson
  268. Witches (discworld)
  269. Witches of the discworld
  270. Wizard (Discworld)
  271. Wizards (Discworld)
  272. World-bearing Turtle
  273. Wyrmberg
  274. Ysabell
  275. Ysabell (Discworld)

96 Discworld articles: NOT redirects, and NOT assessed as class = A, B, C, FA, GA, or LIST

  1. A Blink of the Screen
  2. A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices
  3. A Hat Full of Sky
  4. A Tourist Guide to Lancre
  5. Ankh-Morpork
  6. Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild
  7. Ankh-Morpork City Watch
  8. Bernard Pearson
  9. Carpe Jugulum
  10. Clarecraft
  11. Death (Discworld)
  12. Death and What Comes Next
  13. Death's Domain
  14. Discworld (world)
  15. Discworld Diary
  16. Discworld II: Missing Presumed...!?
  17. Discworld gods
  18. Dwarfs (Discworld)
  19. Elves (Discworld)
  20. Equal Rites
  21. Eric (novel)
  22. Feet of Clay (novel)
  23. GURPS Discworld
  24. Going Postal
  25. Guards! Guards!
  26. Guilds of Ankh-Morpork
  27. History Monks
  28. Hogfather
  29. I Shall Wear Midnight
  30. Interesting Times
  31. International Discworld Convention
  32. Jingo (novel)
  33. Josh Kirby
  34. Lie-to-children
  35. Lords and Ladies (novel)
  36. Making Money
  37. Maskerade
  38. Men at Arms
  39. Monstrous Regiment (novel)
  40. Mort
  41. Moving Pictures (novel)
  42. Nanny Ogg
  43. Nanny Ogg's Cookbook
  44. Night Watch (Discworld)
  45. Once More* with Footnotes
  46. Paul Kidby
  47. Pyramids (novel)
  48. Raising Steam
  49. Raising Taxes
  50. Reaper Man
  51. Religions of the Discworld
  52. Sam Vimes
  53. Small Gods
  54. Snuff (Pratchett novel)
  55. Soul Music (novel)
  56. Sourcery
  57. Stephen Briggs
  58. Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
  59. The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
  60. The Art of Discworld
  61. The Colour of Magic (video game)
  62. The Discworld Almanak
  63. The Discworld Companion
  64. The Discworld Mapp
  65. The Fifth Elephant
  66. The Last Continent
  67. The Last Hero
  68. The North American Discworld Convention
  69. The Pratchett Portfolio
  70. The Science of Discworld
  71. The Science of Discworld II: The Globe
  72. The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch
  73. The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day
  74. The Sea and Little Fishes
  75. The Shepherd's Crown
  76. The Streets of Ankh-Morpork
  77. The Truth (novel)
  78. The Unseen University Challenge
  79. The Unseen University Cut Out Book
  80. The Watch (TV series)
  81. The Wee Free Men
  82. The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld
  83. The World of Poo
  84. Theatre of Cruelty (Discworld)
  85. Tiffany Aching
  86. Trevor Truran
  87. Troll Bridge
  88. Turntables of the Night
  89. Unseen Academicals
  90. Vadim Jean
  91. Welcome to the Discworld
  92. Wintersmith
  93. Wintersmith (Steeleye Span album)
  94. Witches Abroad
  95. Wyrd Sisters
  96. Wyrd Sisters (TV series)